Purchase just the required courses, all three at once, or just one at a time. This does not include the Salesperson Crash Course or Practice Questions included in our packages.
- Real Estate Principles
- Real Estate Practice
- Escrows
- Real Estate Appraisal
- Real Estate Economics *(most popular) (Digital Textbook Only)
- Property Management (Digital Textbook Only)
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Office Administration (Digital Textbook Only)
- Legal Aspects of Real Estate (Digital Textbook Only)
- Digital Textbooks - BOOK EXAMPLE
- Physical Textbooks w/ Access to Live Tutorials
- Live Tutorials are designed to help move students through the courses with the help of an instructor. Tutorials are an extra resource but not required. Students must enroll with PHYSICAL TEXTBOOKS to access live tutorials. Click here for more info.
- If you want both physical AND digital textbooks, there is a $39 fee per book. You can select this option upon checkout.
You have one year to complete all courses.
First, you must complete the required courses. These are self-paced, home study courses. You must: read all the chapters, take an online quiz after each chapter, and complete an online final exam at the end of each course. Once you complete all three required courses, you can apply for the Salesperson State Exam. We recommend enrolling in our Salesperson Crash Course and Practice Questions to help prepare you for the State Exam (these are included in our packages).
First, you must complete the required courses. These are self-paced, home study courses. You must: read all the chapters, take an online quiz after each chapter, and complete an online final exam at the end of each course. Once you complete all three required courses, you can apply for the Salesperson State Exam. We recommend enrolling in our Salesperson Crash Course and Practice Questions to help prepare you for the State Exam (these are included in our packages).
Enroll below to get the process started. Once your enrollment has been processed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access your student login (this may take a few business days, but usually takes just one). Enrollments are processed during business hours only.
If you select physical textbooks, you will receive an email from UPS with tracking information. (Shipping may take up to one week, although it usually takes just a few business days.)
If you select physical textbooks, you will receive an email from UPS with tracking information. (Shipping may take up to one week, although it usually takes just a few business days.)
Digital Textbooks - $94 + tax for the first course, $74 + tax for each additional course enrolled in at the same time Physical Textbooks - Same as above plus shipping Both Digital & Physical Textbooks - an extra $39 per book plus shipping MAKE SURE THE STUDENTS' NAME IS JUST AS DISPLAYED ON DRIVER LICENSE OR CALIFORNIA ID |